Active Asthma?
When I was researching emphysema and COPD statistics – the boffins started using these two terms.
So an asthmatic is either “current” or “active”.
- “Current” means you believe yourself to be an asthmatic (because you used to get asthma symptoms), but have had no symptoms (or drugs) for over a year.
- “Active” means you take asthma medication, have asthma symptoms or have spoken with your doctor about it in the past year.
So – according to our biggest medical brains, even when we do not have any asthma symptoms (for even a decade or two) – their classification system says we have “Current Asthma”.
But I am going to adopt the term “Inactive Asthma”. Because their choice is bloody stupid.
Here is your question: If you have “Active Asthma” – what are you choices for “inactivating” it?
By that I mean – if you REALLY had to inactivate your asthma (so you then have no symptoms, no medication for at least a year) – what choices are open to you?
Who would you talk to? What would you read up on? What would you try?
And this question gets more important when you learn that “Active Asthma” increases your chance of emphysema by 1700%, may cause you to take over a year longer to get pregnant if you want to, and that your relief medication is chockers (50%) of toxic, non-effective versions that damage you. (all on this FB page)
As a bonus other COPD (not emphysema) is increased by 12x.
Make sure you follow this page to learn even more ways that both active asthma and drugs used to “treat” it are not great choices in the long term – and that figuring out for yourself how to inactivate your asthma is an important goal – right now.
And if you kids have active asthma – it is your job to help them. Right?