April 13, 2018

Asthma Reliever Drugs Decrease Fertility

by instep in Asthma Medications0 Comments

Not only does active asthma increase your probability of emphysema by over 1700%, using your reliever drugs (eg Ventolin) makes you less fertile.

“Women using short-acting reliever medication (known as beta-agonists) took 20% longer to conceive on average. They were also 30% more likely to have taken more than a year to conceive, which the researchers defined as the threshold for infertility.”

If you are going through or intending to use assisted conception (eg IVF) – and you also have active asthma. You might want to consider testing my Workshop guarantee.

I do wonder what other negative consequences of active asthma and its drug treatments will be revealed in the coming decade.

Maybe you are beginning to wonder as well. And the idea of attending my course is starting to take root.

Source: https://www.news-medical.net/news/20180215/Women-using-short-acting-asthma-relievers-take-longer-to-become-pregnant-study-shows.aspx



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