Modern Medicine Cannot See The Wood For the Gigantic Trees – They Cannot See Their Asthma Blindness
If you want to escape the asthma industry, you are going to have to think for yourself. At the bottom of this post is a link to a prestigious medical journal. If you choose to read it – or just read the headline – you will have moved past most of your doctor’s effective wisdom on asthma.
Here is what is not being seen.
- EVERY person with an asthma symptom, EVER, is over-breathing. That means that they are breathing MORE than is physiologically needed.
- When people stop or even REDUCE this over-breathing – asthma symptoms CANNOT exist. (That is what doctors do not see.) Studies show an average 90% reduction in symptoms when people learn Buteyko Breathing. The crux is that this training reduces over-breathing, safely and effectively.
- For several decades, researchers have been using over-breathing exercises to CREATE asthma symptoms so they can study them to see what causes them or to test drugs. Seriously.
If you have asthma – I want you to visit right now. The $395 Exercise Asthma Bootcamp is 90% off for the pilot program.
For $40, you get a guarantee that you will be happy with the results. It is not “treatment”, you just learn what to do, and how to do it, with guidance and a forum for support questions and success bragging.
Exercise Asthma Bootcamp is 14 short lessons over 14 days.
Starts from the basics, and you go up the ladder. You do not have to believe it will work for it to work.
If you want go to Hyperventilation and asymptomatic chronic asthma
And get mad at the lack of vision in our best scientists.