Buteyko Breathing & Fitness Workshop Townsville
What You Have Been Told About Asthma - Is Wrong. It is NOT Safe To Just "Manage" It. Ongoing Asthma Increases Your Probability of Emphysema By 1700%...
Hi, I'm James Hooper. In 1995 I created a training based on the Buteyko Method which has transformed the lives of thousands of asthma sufferers. My best-selling book "How To Grow Out of Asthma As Quickly As Humanly Possible" has had 5 reprints and is available in Spanish.
Over the decades, over 4,500 people have benefited from my workshops and trainings. I will be running a Workshop in Townsville in April. Spaces are limited. This Workshop will include additional training not available anywhere else in the world. Specifically you will not only learn and apply the breathing exercises, you will also begin the process of applying for you own FITNESS improvement.
Those with asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, or any breathing related condition are invited to contact me for more details.
Why Would You Want To Stop Having Asthma Symptoms?
It might seem like a stupid question, but it isn't.
Modern pharmaceutical medicine is training us to believe the only option is take your medication, in the special ways described in your Asthma Management Plan. If you go back into history, you will find that the reason these management plans exist is because the number of people dying was increasing in epidemic proportions as more and more people used the wonderful "relief" medication.
Yes - remember that the most common (and effective) relief medication is also a powerful stimulant. It is a version of your adrenalin. When you spray it inside your air pipes it "tricks" the muscular walls of the pipes into believing you are in great danger, and the smooth muscle "unconstricts". Remember that adrenalin is designed to protect you - by freeing up your body so you can run away from danger.
"Adrenalin speeds up your heart rate, stops digestion and body repair - and pushes all resources ready to run or fight for your life."
Your relief puffer is a powerful chemical, despite the fact you can buy it so easily. When this drug became available, there was no very little safety research done - because there was not time. It was a "lifesaver" drug - and was rushed to a hungry market. I know that I bought some as soon as it was available.
But - over the next couple of years, asthma deaths started to climb. More and more. The industry denied the contribution made to deaths by these new drugs for a while. Then, a few years later, a "new" plan was rolled out to the asthma market. And that was to use "preventer" drugs (steroids mostly), so you did not need to use as much "relief" drug. They never actually came out and said that the relief drugs caused a large number of deaths - but now say you should minimise your use of it...
So the current story is that your "preventer" drugs are somehow "good for you".
Well, they sort of are good for you, but only because it means you take less of the relief drug.
When you attend our Workshop - you are shown a different model of asthma. It is a model that you then test, real time, safely, on your own asthma symptoms. Clinical studies showed the AVERAGE reduction in need for relief medications (and therefore symptoms) is 90%. Simply - if you are taking 10 puffs per day, then (on average) after this education and training - you will take just ONE puff per day.
90% average reduction in relief drugs does not actually work out like that. The people that still need their relief medication are usually the ones that started with huge doses, via nebulizers. A salbutamol (Ventolin/Asmol) puffer gives 100 micrograms of the drug per puff. A nebulizer gives 2.5 milligrams of the drugs - that is 25 puffs.
It was only recently that something that was blindingly obvious in hindsight occurred to me. And it came when I reviewed research paper on EMPHYSEMA, COPD and Chronic Bronchitis. The paper measured whether having had what it calls "active" asthma (where you have asthma symptoms) has an effect on whether you get emphysema, COPD or chronic bronchitis later. (Read it here.)
Active Asthma Increases Probability of Emphysema By 1700%
In 2004, the most prestigious medical journal for chest physicians, published that having active asthma increases your hazard of having:
- Emphysema probability increased by 17 times that of a person without asthma, or with inactive asthma.
- COPD probability increased by 12.5 times
- Chronic Bronchitis increased by 10 times.
And this is after removing the effects of smoking on the study. This data is for NON-SMOKERS with asthma. This is very serious.
And this outrageous evidence is DESPITE all the "Asthma Management Plans" and best efforts of the hordes of Dudley Do-gooders in the asthma industry.
Has your GP or Specialist EVER mentioned this to you? Not likely - because no one told him or her about it. The pharma companies will certainly never spread this information - because there is a very important implication in this mind-blowing fact. It is...
The FACT that "Active Asthma Is BAD for Everyone." The FACT that "managing" your symptoms rather than working to have them go away leads to 1700% increased chance of emphysema. It is inferred that "good management" of your asthma symptoms is the best track to follow. Now you know that this track veers towards very tough lung conditions.
[Right now it is good to reinforce that rule that you MUST continue to take your asthma drugs as prescribed. Regardless of the important issues raised here - continue to take your drugs. It is safe only to come off them very slowly, under medical supervision. You can practice your breathing to reduce your symptoms - but only if you remain alive to do so.]
Right now, it is likely becoming clearer that you do NOT want to have asthma, even "well-managed" asthma. What you want is for your symptoms to subside, just like in those people who had asthma as children - but then it went away. This is what that study called "inactive asthma" - where you used to get symptoms, but now you don't.
Making your asthma "inactive" is what the information you learn, and the drills you practice in the Workshops may do for you. It s not a "treatment". You learn, you do some drills, your breathing changes - and your asthma symptoms change. Or your money back.
Now - this article hits hard about the massively increased chance of emphysema that active asthmatics are headed towards. But what if you already have emphysema? Will learning this model help if you have emphysema or COPD or chronic bronchitis? Watch the video below for some good news from a fellow practitioner.
What I am going to say is that if these drills helps severe asthmatics massively reduce their symptoms and need for relief medication - then even without clinical studies to prove or not prove it - it is worth trying. It would be making a medical claim if I said it would help, and there are no published studies - so I am not saying that.
I am saying that if you have these conditions - then my guarantee is that if you are not happy with the workshop, for any reason, you will receive a full and immediate refund. And that you should come along.
While the response in asthmatics is fast and dramatic, any improvement or even slowing of COPD is something to try for.

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Buteyko Method - Townsville Workshops