April 13, 2018

Doctors Suggested Cigarettes for Asthma

by instep in Asthma Medications0 Comments

Wanna know a secret? I had asthma for 34 years before I found that if I changed my breathing, I changed my asthma symptoms. I can turn it on, and then I can turn it off. Like an asthma tap.

When I discovered this I was working for a multinational pharmaceutical company. Every day I was talking to doctors about pharmaceuticals – and how my brand was better than other brands. And you know what – it was impossible for doctors to “keep up”. They were too busy, or were just too tired.

Flash back to the 1940’s – when they knew even less. And recommended smoking for many different conditions. More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette.

Doctors only know what is fed to them by “medical research” which is funded almost completely by the pharma companies. There is lots of “talk” about ethics, and need for double blind placebo controlled research that is checked over by scrupulous journal editors who theoretically ensure the “quality” is the research is upheld. But it is a business. And it is under pressure from the internet.

And doctors are more and more overwhelmed with data, so they clam up, and do what they have done in the past. To be safe. And they are trapped in their “business”.

No GP is going to take the time to check the claim made by some guy who says asthma symptoms can be dramatically reduced with a breathing method. Despite the fact that hyperventilation is listed in Asthma Australia’s report as a contributor.

It took the medical profession nearly a century to decide to wash and sterilize their hands when delivering babies (infected hands CAUSED Puerperal Fever which killed many thousands of babies and mothers). “A doctor is a gentleman, and a gentleman does not have dirty hands.”

So the secret? The medical profession is not perfect. They make mistakes, and they can be slow to change their behaviour. We rely on them – but remember to take the ultimate responsibility for your own health choices.

Know any doctors who offer a “100% Happy With Whatever Improvements in your asthma symptoms you get Workshop?”

In the Brisbane Buteyko Mater Hospital Clinical Trial, one group was able to reduce their need for relief medication by an average of 90%, with less symptoms Over time they also reduced their steroids by over 50%. Safely.

Does your GP ever mention that when you go for your check up? No? What about your lung specialist? No? Your physio? No? Well, the internet is here.

Google it for yourself, and educate your doctor, if you want.




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